

The “Little Friends” Kindergarten is rooted in the friendship of some parents who, in September 2003, came together to respond to the need for them and other families to have a help and support service in the care and education of their children. Since then about 600 children have gone to the Kindergarten.

The name “Little Friends” means that every child we encounter is a person with a definite individuality that, in order to be fully valued, needs to be welcomed, watched, heard, accompanied in the game, loved for what it is and for whom, age that is living.




They have the purpose of first and foremost to make children familiar with different materials and their uses such as: pencils, colored pencils, chalks, tempers, fingers, rolls, sponges, paper, colored paper, salt pasta, pongo, food stuffs (polenta, powder and coffee beans, seeds of various sizes, pasta).

With the younger ones, a material experimentation work is carried out; with larger ones there are times of expressive guided.

This activity takes place at various times of the day. The fairy enter the nest first of all as a book that the child can touch, open, close, then follow the narration.

Telling a story accompanied by body mimicry and reproducing movements to children creates greater involvement.

Children are fascinated by sounds, words, and gestures.

Being alive in children so small the symbiotic relationship with their mother, educators will tend to give continuity to this bond.
To encourage psychomotor development, the educator will stimulate the child through:

  • body sensitivity (respond to her weeping, to her smile, to play together while changing diapers, to affectionately tighten it, etc.)
  • psychomotor development and body coordination (play the baby with rattles and objects, stand it up, make it clap …)
  • developing language, talking to the baby, singing songs, making it mimic the voices and the sound of daily noises, etc.


It’s a fun and instructive children’s cooking workshop from 2 held by our educators. Every week many recipes to make. From genuine cookies to classic pies, tortellas and earrings … All with a touch of color, creativity and cheer!

At the end of each workshop, the children will bring home what they will cook and the book of “Little Friends Recipes” to repeat together with Mom and Dad what they have learned and ate.

During the lab, the teacher turns to the children in English and thanks to the game they will be able to learn some natural language skills related to everyday life such as greetings, colors, numbers, food and drink, animals.


Essendo vivo nei bambini così piccoli il rapporto simbiotico con la propria mamma le educatrici tenderanno a dare continuità a questo legame.
Per favorire lo sviluppo psicomotorio, l’educatrice stimolerà il piccolo attraverso:

    • sensibilità corporea (rispondere al suo pianto, al suo sorriso, giocare insieme durante il cambio dei pannolini, stringerlo affettuosamente ecc.)
    • sviluppo psicomotorio e coordinazione corporea (far giocare il bambino con sonagli e oggetti, sorreggerlo in piedi, farlo gattonare…)
    • sviluppo del linguaggio, parlando al bambino, cantandogli canzoncine, fargli imitare le voci e il suono dei rumori quotidiani ecc…


Laboratorio di Manualità: “Costruisco i miei giocattoli con materiale di riciclo”







Viale Piave 38 – 20129 Milan
Phone: 02 2046108
VAT 03979180969

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You can reach us by Metro Line 1, by Passante Ferroviario at the Porta Venezia stop, or by trams 9 or 23.


For more information, call or send us a message


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